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Suncorp’s Cameron takes on pay equity ambassador role

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) has appointed Suncorp CEO and MD Michael Cameron as its Pay Equity Ambassador.

Suncorp says its diversity and inclusion plan underscores the company’s determination to close the workplace gender gap.

“There is no place in our culture for pay differences based on anything other than the contribution you make,” Mr Cameron said.

“At Suncorp we are targeting gender equality at all business levels, and offering equal access to development, promotion and pay for men and women. We believe this will allow us to draw on the full potential of our workforce.”

Female representation in senior leadership roles at Suncorp was at 43% in June, from 33% in 2011.

WEGA, which marks Equal Pay Day today, says the national gender pay gap is about 15.3% for full-time employees, or $251.20 per week on average.

The gap has declined from 16.2% in the past year, but women still face significant workplace obstacles.

“Australia has achieved genuine equality between women and men in education,” WGEA director Libby Lyons said. “However, the persistent gender pay gap reflects the barriers women face in accessing equivalent pay packets to men.”

The financial and insurance services sector continues to have the widest pay gap, 29.6% at May this year.