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Suncorp NZ backs push for inquiry into anti-slavery laws

Suncorp New Zealand has joined calls for an inquiry to determine if the country needs new anti-slavery laws to protect workers.

It is one of more than 80 New Zealand businesses that signed a joint letter presented to Parliament last week, urging the Government to show leadership in addressing modern-day slavery in global supply chains.

“Suncorp supports calls for an inquiry into a Modern Slavery Act for New Zealand businesses and public sector supply chains,” New Zealand CEO Jimmy Higgins said.

“Within our own supply chains, we’re committed to working with suppliers and business partners to find creative, commercial and long-lasting solutions to combatting modern slavery.”

Suncorp New Zealand completed its first Modern Slavery report last year, contributing to the insurer’s Modern Slavery Statement that was published last month and forms part of the reporting requirement for Australian laws.