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Suncorp New Zealand awards gender affirmation leave

Suncorp New Zealand is offering six weeks paid gender affirmation leave and up to 12 months of unpaid leave to support employees wanting to affirm their gender identity.

Gender affirmation can include legally changing names and gender markers on identification documents and undergoing surgery and hormone therapy. The leave gives Suncorp NZ employees the time and financial support necessary to undergo these steps, the insurer says.

EGM People and Culture Catherine Dixon says the new entitlement is the best support for what is often a complex process involving a variety of different steps over time.

“Transgender and non-binary people face a raft of different societal challenges in comparison to cis-gendered populations, making it more important that we ensure these employees don’t feel they have to leave their jobs in order to have the time to undertake these changes,” she said.

The leave will allow Suncorp staff who are working towards affirming their gender to attend appointments and to have the “space they need” to achieve their gender affirmation, she said.

The entitlement reflects positive steps Suncorp is taking to celebrate diversity among its employees, says Scott Jensen, who heads Suncorp’s LGBTIQ+ focused employee resource group Amplify in New Zealand.

“I’m really hopeful that this new leave entitlement will make people more comfortable sharing their true selves with their colleagues,” he said.

“The more work the business does to support LGBTIQ+ employees in this way, the more we are able to continue to attract a diverse range of talent, reflective of all communities.”