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Suncorp analyst cooks up winning recipes for charity

Suncorp New Zealand Investment Analyst Elliott Meldrum has raised more than $NZ3000 ($2825) to help kids living in poverty from a cookbook that he published together with his flatmates.

All 150 copies of Not all Cooks Are Chefs sold out within nine days, and a second print is now underway.

Mr Elliot says the idea for the charity project, which took 18 months to finish, came about from an Instagram food account that he created on a whim with his flatmates.

They had wanted to give Instagram food influencers a run for their money, and as they started to post more pictures of their dinners on the social media platform, they became more invested and decided to turn it into a charity fundraising project.

“Our goal was to create a cookbook with recipes that use ingredients easily found in the supermarket, with realistic cooking times, and recipes that anybody can create,” Mr Meldrum said.

Money raised from the sales of the cookbooks will go to KidsCan New Zealand, which provides essential items to kids living in poverty.

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