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Study finds Zurich-backed footy club wellbeing program works

An academic study conducted across 25 community Australian Rules Football clubs has found the “Tackle Your Feelings” program supported by Zurich leads to better confidence among coaches to support mental health.

The free training program is delivered by accredited psychologists to coaches, members and staff of AFL clubs. It was founded in 2018 by Zurich, the AFL Coaches Association and the AFL Players’ Association, and has been delivered across 850 community clubs.

The study found coaches can be important "informal resources” for sporting adolescents and adults at risk of mental ill-health.

Tackle Your Feelings has potential to boost coach-player support and “can be effective at improving coach mental health literacy in community sporting club contexts,” the Monash University academics said.

The study found it improved knowledge of mental health and wellbeing issues by almost a third, decreased the level of social stigma associated with mental health issues by two-thirds, and enhanced knowledge of the resources available to support mental health by more than a fifth.

“Tackle Your Feelings is one of our flagship programs,” Z Zurich Foundation Regional Engagement Manager for Asia Pacific Barbara Jordan said. “We welcome the new data which confirms its positive impact.”

Program Manager Adam Baldwin says community football clubs are “beginning to understand the responsibility they have to their members to create an environment that prioritises mental health … so someone who is struggling feels comfortable to ask for help”.

Former AFL coach and player and program ambassador Nathan Buckley says it gives useful practical strategies and is “a great conversation starter”.