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Strain continues at APIG

The Australian Professional Indemnity Group (APIG) has reappointed National President Andrew Strain for a second year and added seven new committee members.

The new committee members voted in at the recent AGM are: Jonathan Newby from McCabes Lawyers; Jocelyn Alcordo-Ong from Allianz; Julijana Sumner from Catlin; Lisa Biggar from Honan Risk & Insurance Brokers; Rehana Box from Ashurst; Tammy Ferguson from MDD Forensic Accountants; and Andrew Lazzaro from Allens.

Twelve other members remain on the committee.

Mr Strain, who is Head of Financial Lines Technical Centre at Zurich Australia, says the committee is focused on education and is offering workshops for APIG state chapters.

Its LinkedIn group has gained almost 450 members, including global heads of financial lines, and it wants the discussion facility to provide a forum for members.

He told planning for next year’s September national conference is already under way.

Because this year’s conference dinner sold out early, there are plans to move to a larger venue next year. The group is also revamping its website to better facilitate bookings.