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Singapore event attracts global claims professionals

A “very positive” number of loss adjusting and claims professionals from around the world have signed up for the Asian Claims Convention in Singapore.

Organised by the Australasian Institute of Loss Adjusters, the convention is rapidly becoming a highlight of the Asian insurance industry calendar. The two previous events were held in Bangkok and Shanghai.

Institute CEO Tony Libke says interest in this year’s event – which is titled  “The Future of Loss Adjusting... Bleak or Buoyant?” – indicates the number of attendees will probably be the highest so far.

The two-day forum at the Hilton Singapore is “a unique opportunity to hear from leading practitioners from many jurisdictions and to network with loss adjusters and claims specialists from across the industry”, Mr Libke told

“We’ve received registrations so far from across Asia, and even some from the US and UK. There is also a very strong level of interest from Australian loss adjusters and claims managers.

“Some loss adjusters have told me they are going to use the convention for networking, because they’re looking for future business opportunities in Asia.”

Early-bird discounts for registrations close on Friday. The convention will run from April 2 to 4. is the media partner for the Asian Claims Convention.