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Rowe to remain chair of FPA

Financial Planning Association (FPA) Chairman Matthew Rowe has had his tenure extended, citing the “job left to do” as the reason behind the decision.

Mr Rowe became FPA chairman in November 2010 and will now stay in the role until November 2014.

He says there is much work still to be done in “restoring respect for professional financial planning and regaining the trust of the broader Australian community”.

His agreement to stay on was buoyed by the record numbers of financial planners renewing their FPA membership by the June 30 cut-off date.

“I want to personally thank our members for voting with their feet and giving us a renewed energy to fulfil our worthy mission,” he says.

FPA CEO Mark Rantall backs the continuance of Mr Rowe’s tenure.

“Much has been achieved to date, but I agree with Matthew that there is plenty left to do,” he said.

“Our continuing negotiations with the key stakeholders in the post-Future of Financial Advice environment are critical to ensure we gain the positive regulatory and legislative outcomes to deliver certainty for FPA members.”