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RMIA secures risk management training link-up

The Risk Management Institution of Australasia (RMIA) has appointed Paladin Risk Management Training Academy to deliver its courses on the fundamentals of managing risk and enterprise risk management.

RMIA GM Suzanne Cureton says the courses are the foundation for RMIA’s revamped certification program.

She says the agreement with Paladin means RMIA “can continue to focus on providing value for members without the administrative burden of organising courses, strong in the knowledge that the training provided is of the highest quality”.

Paladin’s academy has been delivering accredited training to Australian and international risk management professionals for three years. More than 450 people have completed its courses.

Under the agreement, RMIA course participants will attend Paladin courses. Completion will enable them to sit certification exams.

RMIA now has three levels of certification: Certified Practising Risk Associate (CPRA), Certified Practising Risk Manager (CPRM) and Certified Chief Risk Officer.

CPRA accreditation requires completion of the “fundamentals of managing risk” course and an exam. CPRM requires completion of “enterprise risk management” and an exam.

For course details and dates visit here.