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RMIA flies in NASA risk expert as keynote speaker

NASA Aerospace Engineer Jeevan Perera will discuss the space agency’s risk management program on a lecture tour organised by the Risk Management Institution of Australasia (RMIA).

NASA’s approach gained “renewed vigour” after the Columbia shuttle disintegrated in 2003 as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven crew members.

“Determining the probability of occurrence and the magnitude of potential consequences enables risk-informed decision-making and proactive planning designed to improve the success of our missions,” Dr Perera says.

NASA’s risk strategy includes using systematic risk processes and tools to identify, as early as possible, conditions that could affect performance, program safety and schedules.

Dr Perera’s tour from April 4-18 will take in Perth, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane, and is open to RMIA members and non-members.

For more information, click here.