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RIMS sets out ways to adapt to remote working

The Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) has outlined ways for businesses to adapt to remote working arrangements as the pandemic disruption drags on.

It says management should look to ramp up employee communications, prioritise staff wellbeing and keep checks on fatigue. Human resources departments must also be flexible when it comes to staff that have family commitments such as dependent care and other pertinent matters.

The report says companies that were initially skeptical of remote working arrangements now view the concept differently.

“Fearful of its impact on productivity and work quality prior to COVID-19, many organisations remained wary of extending remote working opportunities to employees,” the report says.

“Today, at this stage of the global pandemic, business leaders are much more confident in their remote work staff, and have come to realise that the organisation can indeed succeed without congregating at a physical location.”

RIMS says business leaders must recognise every worker is an individual and will require different support to perform well when working remotely.

“Maintaining strong engagement hinges on our ability to foster an inclusive culture,” the report says. “Similar to our business strategies during the pandemic, leaders must also be flexible and ready to listen, empathise, understand and adapt to their diverse remote workforces.”