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Reynolds named ANZIIF President

Steadfast Direct and New Zealand EGM Allan Reynolds has been appointed President of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF).

He has been Deputy President since last year and replaces IAG New Zealand Chief Risk Officer Karl Armstrong, who has served his two-year term.

AMP Group Executive Insurance Megan Beer has been appointed Deputy President.

The positions were announced at the ANZIIF annual general meeting last week.

ANZIIF has also welcomed Insurance & Care NSW Group Executive Self-Insurance, Community and Innovation Tim Plant and IAG EGM of Broker Business Donna Walker to the board.

CEO Prue Willsford and Mr Armstrong presented the ANZIIF Service Award to Senior Associate John Peberdy, who has worked in insurance since 1973. He has facilitated international workshops and seminars for ANZIIF and chaired its first General Insurance Advisory Board.

Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation CEO Chris Wallace was awarded the EE Vines Memorial Prize for his paper Cyber Terrorism and Australia’s Terrorism Insurance Scheme, published in ANZIIF’s quarterly journal.

Former Insurance Council of Australia CEO Peter Daly was recognised with honorary membership for his service to the industry.