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Research grants awarded

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has announced the winners of its $50,000 research grant program.

The program aims to foster research on issues related to prudential regulation and prudentially regulated institutions such as general and reinsurance companies and life insurers.

Curtin University’s Bernardo da Veiga will receive $25,000 to help undertake a critical analysis of the market risk regulatory framework.

Other winners include Michael Skully from Monash University, scoring $21,000 for a study into syndicated lending and tranching and the implications of APS113.

Flinders University’s Sarath Delpachitra won $4000 for her project, which looks at factors influencing wholesale funding of Australian financial institutions and how this is impacting on the economy.

APRA received more than 34 applications this year which were judged on five key areas including the relevance of the project objectives to APRA, originality, the potential impact or importance of the research, research qualifications and the experience of project team members.