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QBE funds children’s cancer trial

The QBE Foundation has donated $100,000 to the Kids’ Cancer Project at the Sydney Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

The money will help one young patient undergo an innovative gene therapy trial. The child has been selected, but their identity is confidential, a QBE spokesman told

The trial is the first in Australia to use gene therapy on bone marrow, to protect cells and allow for an increase in chemotherapy against brain tumours.

“Our employees have expressed a strong desire to partner with charities that provide support to children,” said QBE Foundation Chairman Tony MacRae, who visited the hospital’s oncology ward in October.

“We met some of the patients and learned more about the difference our support can make to people’s lives. We are always glad for an opportunity to gain a better understanding of what our donation is making possible.”

The grant is a one-off for this year, but QBE may select the charity as a partner again next year.