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NIBA takes convention to Adelaide

Adelaide will host next year’s National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) Convention from September 14-16.

The event, returning to the city for the first time since 2002, will take place at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

“Our members in SA are extremely engaged with NIBA activities and we will be working closely with them in the development of a convention program that has resonance with brokers of all ages and levels of seniority,” CEO Dallas Booth said.

The event will repeat the two-day format of this year’s Melbourne convention, which attracted 1800 delegates – about twice as many as the previous year’s three-day forum.

Brokers will once again have free exhibition hall entry, to allow networking with exhibitors.

“The shorter timeframe, combined with a lower price structure, raised numbers in Melbourne this year,” Mr Booth told

Full program details will be revealed next year, following input from NIBA’s SA committee.

“We are keen to build in an SA flavour, such as Maggie Beer or a trip to the wineries,” Mr Booth said.

He says he is “keen to offer the new format to a Sydney audience”, perhaps in 2015, if an alternative site can be found while the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre is revamped.