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NIBA shortlists young broker contenders

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has unveiled the finalists for its young professional broker of the year awards in NSW/ACT, SA/NT and Victoria/Tasmania.

For the NSW/ACT prize, the contenders are Olivia Googh from Willis Towers Watson, Noel Kelly from Austbrokers AEI Transport and David McDonald from Arthur J Gallagher.

In SA/NT Josh McDonald from Brecknock Insurance Brokers, Katie Stephenson from Arthur J Gallagher (Darwin) and Daniela Zaccone from Willis Towers Watson are in the running.

The Victoria/Tasmania finalists are Todd Arnold from Roderick Insurance Brokers, Nick Daffy from Arthur J Gallagher and Aaron Sparkes from Aon.

NIBA will announce the Victoria/Tasmania winner in Melbourne at the end of this month. Other regional winners will be unveiled in July.

Five regional winners will compete for the national Warren Tickle Memorial Award, sponsored by Vero.

The overall winner will be announced at the NIBA Convention in Melbourne in September.

The national prize is a tailored professional development and travel experience worth more than $10,000.

Luke Chrzanowski of Tresidder Insurance Group won last year.