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New Zealanders confront new broking world

The Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand (IBANZ) is planning to hold workshops outside Christchurch for brokers dealing with the tougher insurance environment following the earthquakes.

An IBANZ workshop for brokers in Christchurch last week discussed the often-difficult negotiations around insurance, with premiums rising, claims awaiting settlement and the area still experiencing aftershocks.

Many of the brokers are in the same position as clients who have had homes and offices damaged, and have had to find new premises and keep their businesses running at the same time as attending to clients needing help.

IBANZ CEO Gary Young says many brokers who are dealing with Christchurch claims are based outside the city, and IBANZ is looking at taking the workshop to other parts of the country.

The workshop was run by Trevor Slater, GM of the external dispute resolution service Financial Services Complaints Ltd.