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New leaders to speak up at ANZIIF breakfast

Veterans and newcomers to the front ranks of risk insurance will take to the stage in Melbourne on May 27 to exchange views on the sector’s future.

The annual Executive Breakfast “CEO Panel” hosted by the Australia and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance will “allow for a variety of views from different generations”, according to the event’s moderator, Macquarie Premium Funding CEO Gary Seymour.

“We want to talk not just about the older issues, but also the ones that emerging leaders are going to have to deal with,” he told

“We’ll cover issues like the factors impacting on market share now and in the future, the role of technology, where the direct market is going and changing consumer dynamics. These are enormously important to everyone who works in the industry.”

The panel will comprise Willis Australasia CEO Bill Donovan, Steadfast Chairman Robert Kelly, OAMPS CEO Keith McIvor, The Buzz CEO Jacki Johnson, Chartis CEO Chris Townsend and Dual MD (and Underwriting Agencies Council President) Damien Coates.

Mr Seymour says he wants the panellists to “give us their own views. With some fresh faces among the more familiar, it promises to be quite lively.”