Marine leader Geoffrey Gauci farewelled
Geoffrey Gauci, who died last week and was farewelled by a large number of family, friends and insurance professionals in Sydney on Friday, was one of Australia’s leading marine underwriters.
Mr Gauci, who died aged 74, was born in Alexandria, Egypt. He was educated in the UK and joined his father’s business as a marine surveyor.
He later joined a P&O-owned underwriting agency in Belgium, where his fluency in four languages would have been useful.
He migrated to Australia in 1969 and joined the Australian Marine Underwriting Agency as claims manager, later becoming its MD.
Mr Gauci was involved in the foundation of the Australian hull pool in the early 1970s, becoming its sole underwriter in 1983. He was also a founding member of the Insurance Council of Australia’s marine underwriters committee and often led the Australian delegation to the annual conference of the International Union of Marine Insurers.
In 1993 he joined Associated Marine, a joint venture that was to become the country’s leading marine insurer. He became a director in 1997.
A keen sailor and fisherman, Mr Gauci also found time to support his local basketball team and was inducted into the Northern Suburbs Basketball Association Hall of Fame in 2011.
He was described today by his long-time friend and colleague Peter E Daly as “generous with his time, experience and knowledge – always willing to extend a helping hand and never expecting anything in return”.
Mr Gauci is survived by his wife Therese, daughter Bianca, son Godfrey and four grandchildren.