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Love me Tinder, for young professionals

Young insurance professionals have been invited to the launch of a new generation of networking tomorrow night using an app dubbed the “Tinder for finance professionals”.

The event and app, called N3, is the brainchild of Pinpoint Finance founder Edwena Dixon, who says she found the “old boys club” of the financial services sector was discouraging to young professionals.

“Established networking initiatives have become old boys’ clubs with little focus on real collaboration and few opportunities for younger professionals to develop relationships,” she said.

“There is a very real risk that highly talented professionals will leave the industry due to a lack of opportunities to develop the networks they need.”

The event, themed Collaborate or Die, will be held at Melbourne’s Parkview Hotel from 6.30pm.

Ms Dixon told N3 is focused on helping under-40 professionals. She says the “new breed” of professionals understands the importance of collaboration and N3 allows them to network in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Keynote speaker at the launch will be former Ansvar CEO John Peberdy, who is Chairman of the Victorian Country Fire Authority.

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