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Lloyd’s Dive In festival makes a splash

Lloyd’s diversity and inclusion (Dive In) festival has been hailed a huge hit in Australia – and organisers have pledged to return next year.

Dive In was established last year in London, but this year it was extended to 10 countries, with Sydney getting the ball rolling last Tuesday.

Sessions were held on gender diversity, sexuality, multiculturalism, mental wellbeing and physical disability.

The overriding message was clear – the insurance industry must get its act together or risk losing talented young workers to other sectors.

“While the insurance sector has taken great strides to improve diversity and inclusion in recent years, the numbers still lag world’s best practice,” Lloyd’s General Representative in Australia Chris Mackinnon said.

“We know more diverse companies are better placed to win top talent and improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction and decision-making.

“Yet the numbers in our industry don’t reflect the thinking.”