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Life jobs wanted

Employer inflexibility is preventing the recruitment of people looking for a career in life insurance sales, according to Hays Insurance.

The recruiter says the need for experienced staff is disadvantaging many companies, which are bypassing “young and eager candidates”.

Senior Regional Director Jane McNeill says there is growing interest from candidates as the stigma attached to life insurance wanes.

She says the economic downturn took some of the shine off the allure of financial sector careers, but times are changing.

However, despite this rise in interest, the industry will continue to face skill shortages unless some employers relax their need for staff with five or more years experience.

“They want candidates that already understand the subject matter, can make decisions and add value immediately… they want someone who can hit the ground running,” Ms McNeill said.

“But the current supply of such candidates is disproportional to the demand for experienced life underwriters in Australia.”

Ms McNeill says it’s frustrating that employers won’t compromise by recruiting and training entry-level candidates.

“[This] has not only led to a number being unable to pursue a career in life insurance, but it also has long-term skills shortages ramifications,” she said.

Hays says there is also a large disparity between pay scales in the industry. Some employers are offering $90,000 a year while $150,000 is offered elsewhere for the same kind of position.