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Life and general insurance scholarships on offer

Law firm TurksLegal is calling for nominations for its 2012 scholarships, two of which are on offer for insurance professionals.

TurksLegal and the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) are seeking claims professionals who are ANZIIF members to compete for their joint Claims Scholarship, which is in its fifth year.

Entrants must submit a 2500-word essay addressing a relevant topic.

The winner will receive an overseas conference package worth $8000 and registration to the 2013 Claims Conference and Insurance Services Expo in Boston, Massachusetts.

Winners will be announced at the ANZIIF General Insurance Breakfast in Sydney on December 7.

Meanwhile, the sixth annual Australian Life Underwriters and Claims Association (ALUCA) and TurksLegal Scholarship is currently open for entry and is seeking entries from relevant professionals.

Entries this year are open to ALUCA members worldwide. As with the general insurance scholarship, entrants need to submit a 2500-word paper and the $8000 prize includes registration to an international conference.

Submissions to both scholarships will be judged on understanding of the topic, commercial insight, research, clarity and presentation.