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Job demand slows, but talent pool remains strong

Permanent job opportunities in financial services are slowing in Australia and New Zealand, but insurance talent pools remain strong, according to two independent reports.

The Hudson Report, which is based on the responses of 6000 hiring managers, says 60% of New Zealand businesses will hold their permanent staffing head count numbers steady during the July to September quarter.

While 26.9% of employers are planning to increase permanent positions, this only represents an overall increase of 2.6% for financial services and insurance recruitment.

“Sentiment is up 3.2% and this is relatively steady compared to the previous quarter, indicating that businesses are already quite well resourced,” the report says.

And although Australia’s overall recruitment possibilities remain strong with two-thirds of employers expected to grow staff numbers, the financial services and insurance sector’s permanent employment options will drop 7% to 26.6%.

Despite this representing a 27.5% increase on the July to September 2009 quarter, it remains 2.3% below the 2008 results recorded prior to the global financial crisis.

“The survey demonstrates Australian employers shifting from aggressively increasing permanent employees evident following the GFC,” the report said.

These results come as accountancy firm Grant Thornton New Zealand releases survey findings outlining key concerns over a shrinking talent pool in Christchurch.

Grant Thornton Christchurch office Partner Tim Keenan says although there is a common theme in the departure of some young professionals this is not the case for insurance.

“The insurance sector is different due to the demands for loss adjusting and claims preparation – they should remain busy and have demand for staff for some time to come,” he told