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InterRisk launches social responsibility program

InterRisk has developed a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program that is being implemented immediately.

The company has formed a committee with staff from each office, senior management and a director to develop the program.

The program will focus on the environment, including reducing energy consumption and recycling, with the company donating a percentage of profits to charity.

InterRisk MD Dennis Guy says “businesses must recognise that their place in the global business environment is not solely dictated by financial profit, but a number of other important considerations to which key stakeholders attribute a great deal of value”.

Mr Guy says the company decided to implement a CSR program after talking with clients and stakeholders in the business.

As part of the program, InterRisk has supported a senior broker in its Melbourne office, John Mutton, who is undertaking a Kokoda Trail trek in May to raise funds for the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre.

He has raised in excess of $50,000 to date, well above Mr Mutton’s original target of $20,000.