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Insurers: Leney wants your money

Insurance executives will be sleeping rough on June 19 to raise money for homeless people and increase awareness of their plight.

This year’s coterie of business leaders dossing down in sleeping bags and cardboard boxes will include Marsh Australia Executive Director Scott Leney, who is following up on a staff suggestion to get involved with the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.

He will be just one of an expected 1000 business leaders from around Australia who will sleep rough for one night, at selected venues. Last year the event raised $5.3 million.

It will be the first time Marsh has participated in the sleepout. Marsh spokesman Jodie Levitski says the decision to participate was made following suggestions from staff.

“This is a fantastic event to get involved in, raising money for Vinnies and helping the homeless,” she said. “We’ll be holding collections throughout Australia.”

Marsh is urging insurance industry colleagues to support Mr Leney and has launched a campaign under the slogan: “Help Scott Rise to the Challenge”.