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Insurance lawyers elect new president

Sydney lawyer David Lee has been appointed President of the Australian Insurance Law Association (AILA).

Mr Lee, a partner at Lee & Lyons, is the immediate past chairman of AILA’s NSW branch and has been the national vice president for the past year. He was elected president at AILA’s national conference in Perth last week.

He told his priorities as president will include increasing the association’s membership, developing closer relationships with foreign insurance law groups, particularly in Asia, and expanding AILA’s educational offering and involvement in seminars.

“I am conscious that AILA has some good competitors in insurance law education, and the association needs to continue to host topical, relevant seminars with well-regarded speakers to ensure our place in the provision of insurance law education remains significant,” he said.

AILA was also recently invited to participate in the Insurance Reform Advisory Group convened by Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten, and Mr Lee will continue to represent the organisation at government level.