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Insurance Exchange to cover the big issues

Regulatory compliance, natural disasters and delivery channels will be some of the key themes at the impending Australasian General Insurance Exchange conference.

To be held in Sydney on March 19 and 20, the exchange will examine issues set to affect the local industry this year, from regulation to catastrophes, underinsurance to reinsurance, and data analytics, telematics and so-called “big data”.

Jim Donelon, the President of the influential US National Association of Insurance Commissioners, will be the international keynote speaker, covering such issues as the US industry, regulatory and solvency reforms and lessons from recent hurricane and tornado disasters.

Following an address from Insurance Council of Australia CEO Rob Whelan, the conference will focus on New Zealand’s new regulatory landscape through an address by Reserve Bank of New Zealand Head of Prudential Supervision Toby Fiennes.

Other speakers at the conference include NZ Earthquake Commission CEO Ian Simpson and Commsec Chief Economist Craig James. is the media sponsor for the conference.