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Insurance employment outlook improves

Insurance, financial services and real estate employment is forecast to improve next quarter as the sector leads labour market growth, according to a hiring-intentions survey by recruitment group Manpower.

The number of employers in the sector expecting to increase staff in the period is a net 16%, up six percentage points on the final three months of this year.

Employment intentions are relatively stable compared with a year earlier.

The survey questioned 1507 employers across seven sectors, asking how they anticipate total employment will change.

“Employers in six of the seven industry sectors expect to grow staffing levels during the next three months, with the strongest labour market forecast for the finance, insurance and real estate sector,” the report says.

Overall a net 7% of Australian employers plan to grow staff levels, based on results showing 20% intend an increase and 13% a decrease.

Globally, Manpower surveyed 65,000 employers in 42 countries and territories, with Taiwan, India and New Zealand reporting the strongest hiring plans.

“Despite continuing economic challenges and widespread uncertainty in the global labour market, the first-quarter research reveals the majority of hiring managers will continue to add to their workforces by varying degrees,” the report says.

Italy, Ireland, Finland and Spain forecast the largest decreases in hiring intentions.