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Industry golf day raises funds to assist young people battling cancer

An insurance industry golf day that supports a program providing emergency accommodation relief for youth cancer patients from regional areas has raised $38,500.

The golf day was launched last year to support the Sony Foundation’s You Can program, which has assisted more than 200 young cancer patients and families with free accommodation since 2020.

SLE Worldwide CEO Raj Nanra proposed the golf day after meeting with Sony Foundation CEO Sophie Ryan, with the intention that it would become an annual event.

Well over 100 insurance industry professionals came together at the Concord Golf Course last month for the event’s second year. The total raised was up more than 40% on the previous year and will equate to over 300 nights of You Can free accommodation.

“The You Can Golf Day is a great example of colleagues and peers from our industry coming together to make a difference in the community and support important causes which are close to the hearts of so many of us,” Mr Nanra said.

About a third of people affected by cancer are from regional or rural areas and adolescents are commonly diagnosed with rare and complex cancers requiring specialist treatment in major city hospitals.

Group accommodation facilities present a high risk for patients with low immunity during treatment periods, and one of the biggest burdens regional families face is the expense of a place to stay. The Sony Foundation covers the cost of a self-contained Quest Apartment.

Donations supporting the program can be made here.