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Indigenous students step onto career ladder at IAG

IAG will provide internships for indigenous university students as part of the reconciliation action plan it adopted last December.

Thirteen have already completed internships following a pilot project earlier in the year, and now the insurer has signed a 10-year partnership with CareerTrackers, a national organisation that creates such opportunities for indigenous students.

IAG MD and CEO Mike Wilkins says the deal that will create a pipeline of talent for the insurer and generate career opportunities for the students.

“It’s fantastic to see young people coming into our organisation and being given the opportunity to develop their careers,” he said.

IAG will offer at least 15 placements a year, giving students the chance to work in various divisions and receive coaching and mentoring.

CareerTrackers CEO Michael Combs says there are about 1000 indigenous university students nationally, and internships with large groups such as IAG send a message that “corporate Australia does believe in us”.