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IAG to GIVIT a go in social enterprise sector

IAG has become a national founding partner of online charity donation website GIVIT.

Brisbane-based GIVIT is a non-profit social enterprise that acts as a clearing house for donations, directing goods and services to vulnerable members of the community.

It manages all offers of donated goods and services following natural disasters in Queensland.

Founder and CEO Juliette Wright says the partnership with IAG will enable GIVIT to become a national service.

“GIVIT is an innovative Queensland-grown solution for donation management,” she said.

“We connect those who have with those who need. Through our website, trusted agencies supporting Australians in need can request exactly what is required – from a fridge to school shoes to toiletries.

“The support provided by IAG will help us to put in place the business strategy and infrastructure to support our national expansion.”

Since GIVIT was established in 2009, 295,000 items have been donated through the website. It hopes to facilitate 1 million donations within the next three years.

IAG Chief Customer Officer Julie Batch says the partnership with GIVIT will enable IAG to “give more Australians a helping hand in their time of need”.

“We have seen first-hand how receiving things such as clean clothing and bedding following a natural disaster can make a big difference to people who have lost everything or can’t access their home,” Ms Batch said.