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Howes steps down as Actuaries Institute CEO

Actuaries Institute CEO Melinda Howes has resigned after four years in the role to take a position with AMP.

She will become Director of Business Operations, Banking and Wealth Management at AMP from November.

Institute President John Newman says she is “enthusiastic, passionate and made a very valuable contribution” to the actuarial profession.

“The recruitment process is under way and we hope to make an announcement in the coming months,” he said.

Ms Howes’ position as a director of Hollard Insurance will not be affected by the move, Hollard MD Richard Enthoven says.

“Hollard is delighted that Melinda will continue to serve as a non-executive director and we wish her every success at AMP,” he told

Ms Howes is also a director of the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation and sits on Macquarie University’s Faculty of Business and Economics Industry Advisory Board.

She was previously director of policy and industry practice at the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia.