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Financial services jobs drop as year-end looms

Financial services job ads are trending down as the end of the year approaches, according to eJobs Recruitment.

eJobs says continued uncertainty on the jobs front is likely over the next few months due to a number of factors, including the Future of Financial Advice reforms, industry mergers and an increase in the ratio of bank and institutionally owned dealer groups compared to independents.

Every state but WA has seen a small decline in financial services job ads in the past three months. WA is bucking the trend with growth of 33% in the number of ads from August to October.

The number of national financial planning jobs advertised rose 11.3% over the corresponding period last year.

Over the past 12 months Queensland has had the largest percentage increase in job ads for the financial services sector – 42.3%.

Fewer entry and mid-level positions are available in the industry at present, balanced by a lower number of candidates for jobs at the top end of the market.