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Financial Planning Week hailed a success

Financial Planning Week has been declared a success, with almost 10,000 hits for the project’s “ask an expert” website.

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) says it is “delighted” at the support from members and the response to its social media sites last week.

The FPA’s “find a planner” directory received more than 4000 hits during the week, while the “real-life stories” consumer web page had almost 700 hits.

A number of FPA chapters hosted events, with more than 100 students attending the Sydney group’s annual careers expo.

Young planners also attended Melbourne and SA chapter networking evenings, an FPA spokesman told

The FPA launched its new consumer website during the week, plus a plain-English brochure on seeking financial advice.

The website aims to help consumers address their financial situations and show the benefits of advice. It incorporates an adviser search facility.

The plain-English brochure is also available on the site.