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Finance, insurance hiring plans decline

Hiring intentions in the finance, insurance and real estate sector have fallen for a second straight quarter after reaching a six-year high at the end of last year.

Employment prospects for the April-June period are down six percentage points on the previous three months and down two points year on year, a report from recruitment group Manpower says.

But the sector continues to have an overall net employment outlook of plus 9%, indicating that more employers expect to increase hiring levels compared with those that do not.

“Employment expectations across the finance, insurance and real estate sector have remained positive despite the fears many held about the impact of the [Hayne] royal commission,” Australia and New Zealand MD Richard Fischer said.

“Furthermore, the forthcoming federal election is a likely cause for pause for some businesses, as it is in every election cycle.”

Responses from employers suggest job seekers can expect a moderate hiring pace in the quarter, the report says.

The figure across all sectors is plus 10%, with strong outlooks reported in public administration and education, which has a plus 16% rating, and in services, at plus 12%.

Public administration and education is the only sector to report a positive year-on-year change.