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Entries sought for new disaster research challenge

Natural Hazards Research Australia is seeking entries to The Disaster Challenge in which researchers and postgraduate students will submit innovative ideas and solutions for dealing with floods, bushfires, storms, cyclones and other catastrophes.

Now open nationally, the challenge wants solutions to how disaster preparation can “engage with the unengaged”.

It says people are often on the move for work, family reasons, holidays and study, and some have living arrangements that are more transient and less connected with the broader community.

"Those less socially connected in communities suffer the most when disasters occur. How do we engage people on the move? How can we learn about their disaster information needs and what is the best way to reach them?” the challenge asks.

A second phase will see finalists further develop their ideas, culminating at the Disaster Challenge Final in Brisbane on October 13.

The winning team will receive $5000 cash, with second receiving $2000 and third $1000, as well as promotion of their winning concept, the opportunity to explore the winning concept further and to showcase the idea at forums.

Applications are open until June 30 for postgraduate students researchers up to five years post PhD or Masters. Register here.