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Demand up, job satisfaction down

Financial planning recruitment numbers are continuing to grow, but job satisfaction is a problem, recruiter eJobs says.

Its May-July commentary shows financial planning job advertisements have risen by 4.5% across Australia, but candidates aren’t stepping forward.

Demand has risen 3% in Victoria, 44% in Queensland and 21% in SA, but eJobs MD Trevor Punnett says there is no evidence of increased candidate supply.

The recruiter also surveyed 1100 paraplanners and found a startling number (70%) are no longer in the market, with the majority pinpointing a lack of remuneration and career progression as reasons for leaving.

And Mr Punnett questions whether the paraplanners who have left the industry in the past few years have been replaced.

“We would suggest paraplanning numbers are now much lower and new industry arrivals are fewer,” he said. “The problem now is filling those opportunities when experienced paraplanners are so scarce.”