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Committee expands as YIPs keeps growing

Six more members have joined the Australasian management committee of YIPS as the young insurance professionals’ peak organisation continues to grow.

The group, which says it is seeing “astonishing growth” across Australia and New Zealand, has introduced new branches – Tasmania and the ACT – to provide complete geographical coverage for its 6500 members.

YIPs Australasia President Andrew Shepherd says the enlarged committee – it now has 26 members – allows for more representation of brokers and loss adjusters, as well as increased representation from both NSW and Queensland.

He says projects being addressed by the committee include “creating a presence in the graduate careers space and developing the YIPs brand internationally”.

The new committee members are: Alex White, Hostsure Underwriting, Queensland; Chris Smith, Cunningham Lindsey, Queensland; Jackson McDonald, GSA Insurance Brokers, NSW; Kasun Jayarante, Aon, NSW; Maddie Zali, Brooklyn Underwriting, NSW; and Sylvia Quang, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, NSW.