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Colin Neave appointed Commonwealth Ombudsman

Former Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) Chief Ombudsman Colin Neave has been appointed the new Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Mr Neave left the top job at FOS in August last year, electing not to be reappointed for another two-year term.

He has also served as the Australian Banking Industry Ombudsman and held various senior management positions in the public sector.

Minister for the Public Service and Integrity Gary Gray says Mr Neave “has an impeccable record as a leader in consumer affairs, the law and government administration”.

“His experience in public administration and in complaint resolution means he is well placed to ensure the office of the Ombudsman is held in the highest regard by the Parliament and the community,” he said.

Mr Neave is currently President of the Administrative Review Council and Vice Chairman of the Australian Press Council. He is also Chairman of the Legal Services Board of Victoria and the Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council.

His appointment is for a five-year period from September 17. He replaces Allan Asher, who resigned in October last year.