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Building consultant association calls for code clarity 

The newly formed Association of Insurance Building and Engineering Consultants says the General Insurance Code of Practice should prescribe “a minimum content requirement” for reports and scopes of work.

As has reported, an independent review of the code is ongoing, and the association’s submission outlines a range of recommendations, including a standardised approach and training on the concept of proximate cause.

It also calls for a “defined set of clear terms and definitions” covering proximate cause, wear and tear, deterioration, building movement, ground movement, settlement, subsidence and rot.

The association also wants clarity on use of the terms “gradual” and “progressive” in describing loss or damage to a structure, and says there should be minimum qualification requirements for all experts used by the insurance industry, and an ongoing training expectation.

The association was officially launched last week at a Sydney event attended by 40 people.

CEO Tony Libke says objectives were shared and criteria outlined for individual and corporate membership, and the group is also seeking “allied supporters” such as building companies and insurers.

Mr Libke says the association aims to improve the consistency of expert reports by enforcing minimum standards for membership around independence, qualifications, training and professional indemnity cover.

“It is our endeavour to be proactive in an area where there are some perceived deficiencies,” he told

The group has met with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, which previously raised concerns about the quality of expert reports relied on by insurers.

“AFCA believes the timing of our launch is ideal,” Mr Libke said. “They are supportive of anything that raises the standard of expert reports.”

The association is holding further information events in Melbourne and Brisbane.

The Melbourne event is on July 3, 5pm-7pm at the National Hotel’s Garden Parlour, 344 Victoria Street in Richmond.

The Brisbane event is on July 11, 5pm-7pm, at the Hamilton Hotel’s River Room, 442 Kingsford Smith Drive in Hamilton.