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Brokers turn to tablets: Zurich

About 44% of brokers own tablet computers and a further 21% intend to buy one in the next year, according to a digital media survey by Zurich Australia.

Among tablet owners, 58% are principals, directors or senior managers and 86% use the computers for web browsing “at least frequently”.

By contrast, only 18% of the Australian population owns a tablet.

The survey of 672 brokers in September found 87% own a smartphone.

When asked about their company’s website, 55% rate it as good or excellent, while 38% say it is average or below average.

Some 23% say their company’s social media activity is good or excellent, 35% rate it average or below average and 36% say their company does not use social media.

The survey asked which social networking sites brokerages used at least monthly. It found 41% use LinkedIn, 33% use Facebook, 18% use Twitter and 11% use YouTube.

About 66% of individual respondents use Facebook at least monthly, 51% use LinkedIn, 49% use YouTube and 20% use Twitter.

Reasons for use vary, with 71% citing personal use, 43% business networking, 20% business prospecting and 20% business communication.

The survey shows 18% of brokers do not use social media. Of these, 25% are not interested, 15% have security concerns, 14% do not see the value, 13% do not have time, 11% do not have access at work and 9% do not like it.

Some brokers risk missing opportunities, according to Zurich Australia EGM SME Bobby Lehane.

“We will be looking at ways of working with brokers to enhance their own digital channels by providing relevant material they can then use with their customers,” he said.