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Broker Steve Le Duc dies

Senior JLT executive Steve Le Duc died in Sydney last week after a long illness.

Mr Le Duc spent three years at JLT as GM Placement Services and had previously worked at Sedgwick, Marsh and Willis.

He won the Warren Tickle Memorial Award in 2001 in recognition of his “outstanding level of professionalism and integrity”.

JLT CEO Leo Demer says Mr Le Duc was a key player in the success of the JLT service approach.

“His belief that putting the client first was the only way to do business has now been recognised across the JLT Group, a true testament to Steve and the type of person he was,” he said.

Mr Le Duc researched and wrote the JLT Inform market report.

“His intelligence, his wit and sense of humour and the way he made everyone feel like a mate are just a few of the things to say about such a positive person,” Mr Demer said.