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Board changes at Insurance Council

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has made a number of board changes, including the promotion of Suncorp Personal Insurance CEO Mark Milliner to Deputy President.

The position of deputy president was previously held by QBE Australia Asia Pacific CEO Vince McLenaghan, who left QBE in July.

ICA GM Risk and Disaster Planning Karl Sullivan confirmed that Mr McLenaghan’s replacement at QBE, Colin Fagen, has joined the ICA board but has not taken up the deputy presidency.

Traditionally the deputy president is the president-in-waiting, and it is now expected that Mr Milliner will replace current ICA President – and Wesfarmers Insurance MD – Rob Scott when his term expires at the start of 2013.

WA-based RAC Insurance CEO Mike McCarthy has also joined the ICA board.

Mr Sullivan says having representation from WA will be “beneficial to ICA” but the appointment was made on the basis of expressions of interest and a board vote rather than a deliberate quest for geographic diversity.

At an executive level, ICA has also confirmed the departure of its GM Policy – Consumer, John Driscoll. Mr Sullivan says the recruitment process to find a replacement is under way.

ICA is also continuing its search for a new GM Communications, with Mr Sullivan saying the organisation is “pretty close” to making an appointment.