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Bidmead takes top US job

Australian broker David Bidmead has been appointed CEO of the US operations of Marsh.

The former CEO of Marsh Australia moved to San Francisco about 19 months ago to lead Marsh’s western US zone.

Aside from his role as Marsh Australia CEO, he was previously region head of Marsh Pacific.

He will now guide the US arm of the major brokerage firm in its retail operations and report to US/Canada President Joe McSweeny, who says Mr Bidmead has “proven himself as a strong leader and visionary agent”.

“His record of accomplishment in Australia and the US west zone makes him the ideal candidate to inspire and guide our US retail brokerage operations through its next phase of growth,” he said in a statement.

His successor at Marsh Australia, John Clayton, says it’s unusual for a non-US citizen to be appointed to such a position.

“It’s really fabulous to see, especially in terms of an Australian going to work in America,” he told

“It’s also good for our company here, seeing one our own doing well in the global firm.”