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Beazley veteran joins QBE board

QBE has appointed former Beazley executive Neil Maidment to its board and says Rolf Tolle will retire at the annual general meeting in May.

Mr Maidment held executive roles at UK-based Beazley for almost 30 years, including chief underwriting officer and head of reinsurance operations.

More recently, he was a non-executive director of Lloyd’s, where he chaired the risk committee and capacity transfer panel. He was also a non-executive director of Ecclesiastical Insurance Office and Benefact Group.

“Neil has extensive experience across the global insurance and reinsurance industry,” chairman Mike Wilkins said. “We’re delighted that Neil will be joining the QBE board, bringing his insights into risk management, strategic leadership and market innovation.”

Mr Tolle joined the board in 2016 as a non-executive director and has served as chair of the risk and capital committee and a member of the audit, people and remuneration, and governance and nomination committees.

Mr Wilkins says the changes are part of the board’s succession planning.