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Bangkok claims convention on target

High work levels after Australia’s summer floods and bushfires won’t deter local adjusters from attending the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters’ (AICLA) Asian Claims Convention in Bangkok next month.

AICLA CEO Tony Libke says he expects a “late surge” of registrations from Australia, but the organisers are already fielding a “very encouraging” number of registrations from adjusters across Asia.

“It’s much the same experience as we had for last year’s Shanghai claims convention,” he told “There’s nearly six weeks to go, and the numbers are tracking very well.

“Australian adjusters are very busy at present, but we expect plenty of them to make the trip to Bangkok.”

Munich Re Head of Claims Eberhard Witthoff has confirmed he will speak at the convention with Singapore-based International Claims Co-ordinator John Pyall, discussing the relationship between reinsurers and loss adjusters. 

Other speakers will cover subjects ranging from the lessons learned in the latest natural catastrophes in Asia to adjusting major business interruption claims and fire claims investigations in the region.

The convention at the Four Seasons Hotel in Bangkok will be held on March 21-22.