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APIG scholarship open for entries

This year’s Wotton + Kearney-sponsored Australian Professional Indemnity Group (APIG) scholarship is now open for submissions.

The scheme, in its second year, recognises APIG members aged under 36 who make an outstanding contribution to financial lines insurance and who would “significantly benefit from the scholarship experience”.

The award comprises $7500 to attend the three-day Professional Indemnity Forum Conference in the UK next year, plus a visit to Lloyd’s in London.

Candidates must make a brief submission outlining their background in financial lines and their views on the industry.

Submissions will be judged by four members of the APIG national committee and a representative from insurance law firm Wotton + Kearney.

The winner will be announced at the APIG gala dinner on September 1.

Last year’s winner was Willis Towers Watson Account Manager Kristine Salgado.

Submissions close on August 12. To enter, or for more information, visit here.