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ANZIIF offers 40% membership discount

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) is this month offering pro-rata membership for the remainder of 2020 at a discount of 40% from the full-year fee.

The offer is available to both new and continuing members.

CEO Prue Willsford says the industry has faced many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the cancellation of face-to-face networking and events.

ANZIIF is offering support with access to professional development and educational learning material “anywhere, anytime,” she said. “Now is the perfect time to join ANZIIF’s community and make use of our online learning.”

All ANZIIF professional qualifications and learning material is online, with face-to-face events being conducted as virtual webinars “connecting our members from all around the globe”.

A webinar on Wednesday will feature Claim Central Consolidated CEO Brian Siemsen using a case study to explain to ANZIIF members how businesses can successfully navigate the COVID-19 crisis, and how to ensure claims teams can thrive.

ANZIIF has more than 17,000 members in over 50 countries, and says it has “the largest community of insurance professionals in the Asia Pacific Region”.

Click here to join.