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ANA welcomes new loss adjuster in Cairns

Cairns-based Rob Keaney has joined the team at ANA Chartered Loss Adjusters.

The appointment comes after new CEO Chay Wilkinson took the top role in January and committed to taking on additional adjusters across Australia.

Most recently branch manager at Crawford & Company for five years, Mr Keaney has worked in adjusting for 13 years

ANA is the Australian partner of global group VRS Adjusters, which has 450 offices in more than 140 countries, and says an increase in high-value commercial work in Australia has kept it on an upward growth trend despite COVID.

Sydney-based Mr Wilkinson joined from Willis Towers Watson Australia, where he led the NSW Construction, Property & Casualty claims team. He is supported by GM & NSW State Manager Brian Treloar, WA/SA State Manager Mike Pagels, State Manager Queensland Luke Stuart and State Co-ordinator Vic/Tas Paul Sims.